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Welcome to the Scottie Support Suite

阿格尼斯·斯科特学院的斯科特支持套房是全校范围的, peer tutoring initiative designed for Scottie success! We aim to:

  • 提高斯科特在STEM、语言和写作强化课程中的表现
  • create a community of digitally agile and critical thinkers
  • 通过专业发展支持,为苏格兰人在工作中取得成功做好准备 

Peer-to-peer Tutoring

Agnes Scott’s tutoring model prioritizes peer-to-peer, 在协作互动中,苏格兰人教其他苏格兰人利用课外技能和课程内容进行深入思考, 光荣地生活,迎接我们这个时代的智力和社会挑战.

Peer Tutoring

Center for Digital and Visual Literacy

在数字和视觉素养中心访问数字工具并发展您的技术技能. The CDVL helps students, 教职员工学习新的技术和程序,并将其整合到工作中.

WC Online Schedule, Digital Proficiencies, My CDVL


Center for Writing and Speaking

Come and meet collectively with your presentation group, or individually with a tutor, as you prepare your essays, cover letters, resumes, or applications. 如果你正在准备演讲,想要练习演讲, 我们的演讲中心(G-17)拥有最先进的投影设备,可以帮助您充分发挥您要说的话.

WC Online ScheduleHandout Library, CWS Youtube


Resource Center for Math and Science

同伴导师与学生在一个一对一的,包容的环境中工作. 我们的学习助理通过提高学生对入门和高级概念的理解,帮助他们在学业上取得成功. 

Drop-in Tutoring Schedule, RCMS Canvas, PALS Program


Departmental Tutors

Students 可以访问并接受由中国人挑选的部门导师的一对一帮助, French, German, Economics or Psychology faculty. 

Schedule an Appointment with a Departmental Tutor 

Chinese, Economics, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Latin

Explore Other Resources

McCain Library

麦凯恩图书馆汇集了技术专家和图书管理员在一个设施,提供一系列的服务, such as access to collections, study space and research help, to support the academic mission of the college.


Science Center for Women

SCW是指导研究和STEM社区活动的中心. 我们努力创造一个包容和支持的环境,让各种背景的学生都能茁壮成长,为科学的进步做出贡献.


Office of Internship and Career Development

您在正规博彩十大网站排名的专业发展遵循与您的学术之旅相同的方法-一条具有关键里程碑和成长机会的有意路径, semester upon semester.


Undergraduate Academic Advising & Accessible Education

咨询办公室是艾格尼丝·斯科特学术项目各方面信息的单一来源. 我们让您随时了解学术政策,程序和课程机会.


Board of Advisors

在你的大学旅程中,你会有自己的顾问委员会来指导你. 这个团队为您提供综合的咨询方法, taking into account your academic, personal and career goals.

SUMMIT Peer Advisor, SUMMIT Advisor, Major Advisor

Graduate & Post-Bacc Advising

Graduate and Post-Bacc students access individualized academic, 专业的职业建议和专业的团队在整个项目中为您提供帮助.

Graduate-level Advising, Professional Success Series

Hear From Our Community

Nusrat Sarwar '23

在CDVL的工作,特别是在我们部门的网站上,帮助我塑造了我毕业后想要追求的职业道路. I have decided to pursue a Master’s degree in UX design, 我一直在根据我们的愿景设计和构建网页,这给了我很大的启发. 我感谢在这里的每一个人给我的支持,感谢CDVL给我实现目标的机会.

Maggee Chang '22

我在写作和口语中心的工作时间教会了我很多关于专业的东西, especially with our joint venture with the Career Peers. I benefited from having the Career Peers in the office, 员工培训教会了我如何构建导师经验和有效沟通. I also got a lot of exposure to faculty and other people, acquired experience training others, learned how to effectively give advice and developed, overall, increased self-awareness.

Samantha Canela ‘26

Introduction to Chemistry Student

学习助理对我关于化学导论的问题很有帮助. 这是我第二次在RCMS,我相信它是有帮助的. I will be returning for more help in the future!

Scottie Student

My CDVL Tutor was fantastic!! 她能够帮助我完成一个我不熟悉的项目, and she really helped me in terms of design. 我对使用Adobe产品没那么有信心,但我觉得自己的能力强多了. 我打算以后再约她继续做我的项目设计.

Scottie Student

我的CWS导师非常友善、热情,而且很容易交谈. I especially appreciate that after most of my answers, she would highlight on or two things I said, tell me what she found insightful about them, 并在谈话中加入一些她自己的观点,让我觉得她真的很有趣,对谈话很投入, 哪个让我对自己的答案感到更舒服、更自信!

Nesrine Chabaane ‘24

RCMS Workshop Participant

Everything makes sense at this workshop! Kylie is the best for real!

View RCMS Workshop Schedule

Scottie Student

我遇到的CDVL导师帮助我在创客空间拍摄了专业照片(我想在其中包括纱线). I had a vision and she executed it perfectly!

Scottie Student

我的职业同行给了我很好的建议,告诉我如何最好地修改我的简历. 她说这其实是一份很好的简历,这太好了,因为我认为它太糟糕了! She explained the difference between a resume, master resume, and CV to me, and now I feel very ready to work on all three this summer.

Scottie Student

My Career Peer was awesome! 他们在我刚来的时候就查找了我要申请的职位的相关信息,并能让我对面试问题有个大概的了解. They also provided me with helpful resources, specifically Big Interview under ASC, so that I could continue preparing for my interview on my own. I actually had my interview today, and it went super well, 我很感谢卡洛琳,她让我觉得自己准备得很充分!

Scottie Student

Despite no prior knowledge of my assignment, 我的CWS导师能够给我有用的见解,我可以改变或改进,使我的文章更强. She also boosted my confidence in writing, which of course, 是鼓舞人心的,因为我写草稿时充满了不确定性.

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